Gold and Silver Price today - 24/7 Live Pricing in Ringgit

Current Gold Spot   RM 11,144.30/ozt  [RM 358.34/gram]
Current Silver Spot   RM 130.40/ozt  [RM 4.19/gram]
Weight Conversion 1 ozt (troy ounce) = 31.1 gram
Price Last Updated 27-07-2024 07:00 PM

Retail Shop 999 Gold RM 425.00/gram
Retail Shop 916 Gold RM 405.00/gram
Retail Shop 835 Gold RM 340.00/gram
Retail Shop 750 Gold RM 300.00/gram
Retail Shop 375 Gold RM 187.00/gram

Gold & Silver bullion products with  Live Pricing  symbol next to its pricing indicate that the price is based on the latest international spot price. These product prices will update accordingly with the latest Gold & Silver market movement.

We are commited to provide round-the-clock, 24 hours live spot price. At times, our live pricing may offline due to rare circumstances. During offline period, we will quote our product manually. Please be ensured that we worked many extra hours to ensure such events not to happen.

In event of technical failure resulting pricing error, we reserve the rights to cancel the order and refund your full payment or quote another pricing based on the correct pricing at time of order.

BSM Live Pricing Versus Retail Gold Shop Pricing

Current Gold Price Vs Gold Shop Price for 999 Gold Bullion
RM 358.34/gram Vs RM 425.00/gram
Your Potential Savings: RM 66.66/gram

Our bullion pricing is based on Live International Pricing where else pricing for retail gold shops in Malaysia are based on localized pricing.

We are in position to provide lower rate comparing to gold shop because we focused on selling gold bullion at price closest to International Spot as much as possible.

Prices in is updated 24 hours a day and is as frequently as 5 minutes each time. This allows customers to reap maximum advantage when gold price is low. In comparison, gold shop prices update only when there is a major movement in gold price.

We specialized in providing 999 finest investment grade gold bullion with globally recognized branding such as PAMP Suisse Switzerland, Perth Mint Australia and Royal Canadian Mint.

Buying international brand gold bullion is important for investment because these branded gold bullion are well received all around the world and easy to sell when you are in overseas.

金银今日售价 – 24/7 时价以马币交易

黄金国际交易价   RM 11,144.30/ozt  [RM 358.34/公克]
白银国际交易价   RM 130.40/ozt  [RM 4.19/公克]
重量单位换算 1 盎司 = 31.1 公克
最后更新时间 27-07-2024 07:00 PM

999足金 - 零售价 RM 425.00/公克
916金 - 零售价 RM 405.00/公克
835金 - 零售价 RM 340.00/公克
750金 - 零售价 RM 300.00/公克
375金 - 零售价 RM 187.00/公克



在由于技术问题而导致售价计算错误的情况下,我们将保留权利:1. 取消顾客订单并退款 ,或2. 根据订单的下订时间以当时的现时国际交易价重新计算零售价。

BSM “现时国际交易价” 与“一般零售店交易价”

RM 358.34/公克 相比 RM 425.00/公克
顾客可节省数额: RM 66.66/公克




我们专注于提供属投资级别的世界知名品牌999纯金银产品,其中包括:Pamp Suisse Switzerland, Perth Mint Australia 及Royal Canadian Mint。
