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Live Spot Price

Live Spot Price

GRAM-MYR (Average Hourly Price)
OZT-MYR (Average Hourly Price)
GRAM-MYR (Average Hourly Price)
OZT-MYR (Average Hourly Price)
Gold/Silver (Average Hourly Ratio)

Gold and Silver Price Today: 24/7 Live Pricing in Ringgit

Gold & Silver 24/7 Live Pricing

Spot Price
  • Gold Spot Price RM 13,045.70/ozt
  • Gold Spot Price RM 419.48/gram
  • Silver Spot Price RM 144.50/ozt
  • Silver Spot Price RM 4.65/gram
  • Ratio
  • Gold 1:90 Silver
  • Retail Shop Price
  • Gold 999 RM 470.00/gram
  • Gold 916 RM 435.00/gram
  • Gold 835 RM 356.00/gram
  • Gold 750 RM 312.00/gram
  • Gold 375 RM 200.00/gram
  • International Bullion Live Spot

    Almost all of our gold & silver bullion products prices are updated periodically with international spot price.

    Products with Live Pricing label next to its pricing indicate that the price is calculated based on the latest spot price. These product prices will update accordingly to reflect the latest gold & silver market movement.

    Gold 999 Bullion
  • Our Gold Price
    Our Gold Price RM 419.48/gram
    Gold Shop Retailer RM 470.00/gram
    Gold Shop Retailer
  • Our Live Pricing Vs Gold Shop

    Our bullion pricing is based on live international spot pricing where else pricing for retail gold shops in Malaysia are based on localised pricing

    Since 2011, we has established direct partnership with major mints worldwide to procure our bullion. We are in position to provide lower rate comparing to gold shop because we focused on selling gold bullion at price closest to spot price as much as possible.

    Our Specialty

    We specialized in providing 999 finest investment grade gold bullion with globally recognized branding such as PAMP Suisse Switzerland, Perth Mint Australia and Royal Canadian Mint. Buying international brand gold bullion is important for investment because these branded gold bullion are well received all around the world and easy to sell when you are in overseas.

    Live Pricing Advantage

    Prices in is updated 24 hours a day and is as frequently as 5 minutes each time. This allows customers to reap and take maximum advantage when market is on the move and gold price is low.

    In comparison, gold shop prices update only when there is a major movement in gold price.

    Live Pricing Policy

    At times, our live pricing maybe offline or behave abnormally due to circumstances beyond our control. During these abnormal period, we will quote our product manually. Please be ensured that we worked extra hours to ensure such events not to happen.

    In event of pricing failure resulting pricing error, we reserve the total rights to cancel order and refund your full payment or re-quote with the closest pricing based on the correct pricing at time of order.

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